Sunflower DPC can now bill insurance for vaccines (and still has great prices for members who are uninsured)!
FREE COVID-19 Tests by Mail: (or pick some up next time you're driving by the office)

Save Time and Money in the New Year!

Sat, Dec 23, 2023

Save Money and Time With Value-Added Sunflower DPC Services, and Other Money-Saving Updates

1. Save Money: NC Medicaid Expansion TODAY (December 1, 2023) - 600,000 People in NC are now eligible!

Wish you had insurance coverage for specialists, medications, and labs?  If your family makes under the income listed in the table, you are an NC resident, US citizen, and age 19-64 you might qualify for NC Medicaid!  More info info HERE.

”But if I get insurance, do I have to see a different doctor?”  Absolutely not! Even though we don’t take any insurance at Sunflower DPC you can still use it for labs, medications, imaging, and specialist visits while still receiving the same high quality, accessible, personalized care you’ve enjoyed. You deserve it!
2. Save Money On Medications! Did you know NC Med Assist provides many prescription medications at NO COST if you qualify?

To qualify you need to be below the listed income requirements, be a resident of NC, and be uninsured.
3. Save Time: Sunflower DPC has partnered with VaxCare to provide more vaccines AND VaxCare can bill your private insurance or Medicare! 

More Info and Cash Pay Prices for In Stock Vaccines
Tetanus: every 5-10 years, over age 7, $25
Influenza/Flu: annual, over age 6 months, regular dose only this year, $25
Pneumonia/PCV20: one time over age 65 $255
Shingles vaccines: two doses, over age 50, $200 each
Hoping to add: Moderna COVID-19 (Spikevax), High Dose Flu, Tdap, RSV
4. Is your payment information updated? To keep your costs low, Sunflower DPC changed their credit card servicer.  In the process, some payment methods did not transfer over.  If you haven’t updated your payment information in the last couple months, please go into your Cerbo Portal > Invoices and Payment.  ACH (checking/bank draft) preferred, but debit and credit are also accepted!
5. What’s the update on taking Medicare Patients as members? Still a work on progress but we are making some progress!  Goal: By April 1, 2024 Sunflower DPC will be able to take people in Medicare as members!